Have wanted to try making cannelloni for awhile and finally did today. It was good but oh so rich. I doubled the recipes here using some and have cut the rest into the size I need, froze between layers of parchment paper to fill and make another day.
This is a great example of the small batch of dough you can make with the roller and scraper. Turned out beautiful, nice smooth ball with only a 3 cups of dough.
Attachments: Stainless bowl with roller and scraper
Plastic bowl with single whips.
Lasagna pasta attachment
Quantity: 6 servings
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Ingredients for pasta:
- 2/3 cup of flour (all purpose or semolina)
- 1 large egg
This is a really small batch of dough so I actually doubled it and ended up with 14 cannelloni size sheets left 8 to freeze and stuff for another meal.
Knead this together till starts to get shiny, about 6 minutes. Remove from bowl and shapeinto ball. Cover with plastic and allow to sit for about 15 minutes. After this time take half the dough and stretch into rough rectangle. Hold edge over pasta roller and slowly allow tip in between the rollers. When doing this have your space setting on the rollers as wide and they go. Roll through, fold and roll through again. Put the rollers a notch closer together and doe the same thing again. Put a notch closer and do again till you have the thickness you desire.
While the pasta is resting for the 15 minutes prepare the filling and sauce.
- 3 cups loose spinach washed, drained and chopped
- 1 2/3 cup ricotta cheese
- 2 cups Parmigiaino Reggiano grated cheese (reserve 1/2 cup for later)
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 pinch nutmeg
- 1 large egg
- tbsp olive oil
Saute the spinach in a bit of olive oil till wilted. Place all the filling ingredients into the bowl and mix gently, set aside while you make the sauce.
Bechamel Sauce
- 2 cups hot milk
- 4 tbsp butter
- 1/3 cup flour
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 pinch nutmeg
Melt the butter in the pan you just sauted the spinach. Once melted add the flour, whisking constantly till it is all blended and a bit lumpy. SLOWLY add the milk a bit at a time whisking constantly to prevent it from lumping. Add the salt and nutmeg. Place 1/2 of this sauce in the bottom of a small greased casserole dish.
Now to assemble your dish. Cut your lasagna strip into 8 pieces. Onto each piece add a heaping tablespoon of filling and roll up. Place seam side down onto the sauce in casserole dish. Once all are placed in dish top with the other half of the sauce and the saved cheese. Place in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes then turn on broiler and allow to bake another 5 minutes till started to brown.