This bread recipe has got to have the longest name but the shortest life as I ate half a loaf the first day! Two new favorites came from this bread…my favorite way to eat Mashed Potatoes and without a doubt my favorite bread ever!!! There is absolutely no comparison in taste when using fresh flaked oats,that fresh flaking releases a nuttiness that can’t be found when buying stuff store bought stuff that was flaked months ago. Fresh flaked is only way to have porridge in the morning!
Thanks to Ian Sandmans Blog at for this recipe. I modified but please follow the link above for this and so many other great recipes.
Ankarsrum Mixer -stainless bowl with Roller & scraper
- plastic bowl with cookie whips
- Ankarsrum Assistent Flaker attachment
- also grain mill attachment if you have it.
- kitchen scale as recipe is in grams
Makes 1 large loaf: (I doubled batch then free formed one and used a large loaf tin for the other).
Takes about 22 – 36 hrs total time
- 50 g hulled oats
- 20 g barley berries
- 30 g rye berries
- 38 g wheat bran
- 362 g hot water
- 160 g warm water
- 56 g sourdough starter (or use 1 1/2 tsp yeast)
- 175 g White flour
- 48 g Spelt flour
- 416 g warm water
- 22 g salt
- 25 g Olive Oil
- 226 g cream cheese (softened)
- 130 g mashed potatoes (with skins)
- 100 g Spelt flour
- 315 g White flour
- 200 g Whole wheat flour (fresh is best)
With the Flaker attachment for your Ankarsrum Flake the Oats and Barley. The rye you want to mill so it is like grits (chopped) or use a spice grinder to coarsely grind if don’t have a mill. Take ingredients #1 – 5 and put together in a bowl 4 – 6 hrs or overnight or if prefer cook this together like porridge and cool completely before adding to dough.
Make a Levain with ingredients #6 – 9. Mix this together in the plastic bowl till well blended. Let this sit aside on counter for at least 4 – 6 hrs or overnight.
Final Mix Place # 10 – 12 in your Stainless Bowl, add the #13 the cream cheese and blend, then the porridge you made ahead. Now add your Levain and #14 potatoes these can be room temperature or even heat a bit if were stored in fridge since making to ensure they will not stay clumpy. Lastly add the remaining flours #15 – 17 mix on low till well blended and then turn up dial to about 4 o’clock and knead for about 6-8 minutes. Remove dough from bowl and put in covered dish in fridge for 12 – 24 hrs. Remove from fridge allow to warm on counter for about 2 hrs. Place in pan or proofing basket. Allow to rise for about 1 1/2 hrs, will only rise about 1/3 of final size.
Preheat oven to 550 degrees, if baking a free form loaf put your baking pan or stone in the oven to heat as well. Also put in a shallow pan on bottom of oven for steaming. Once oven is hot place loaf in oven or with free formed loaf, flip with a transfer board or I just use an inverted cookie sheet with parchment paper and quickly flipped it, allow the dough a few moments to release and carefully remove proofing pan, score bread if like. Slide complete with the parchemnt onto your baking stone, add 1 cup of water to your steam pan and shut oven as quickly as you can. Turn oven down to 450 after 5 minute. Bake 30 minutes and rotate loaf and slide out the parchment to ensure even baking. Bake another 15 minutes or till internal temperature reaches 205 degrees or seems done. I have really found over the last year or so when making more specialty breads the use of a thermometer is essential to getting the correct doneness. As tempting as it is to cut into that loaf shortly after removing from oven allow at least 2 hrs before cutting. Then enjoy.
Please note, these are baking methods that work for me, I am not a baker/bread maker by any means. I am mainly showing you the wonderful ways to enjoy your Ankarsrum and the recipes are just for example of the ways to use the mixer.